Solar Power for Mumbai Housing Societies: Bringing a Brighter Future
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Solar Power for Mumbai Housing Societies: Bringing a Brighter Future
Did you know that in 2022, India was the second-leading country in solar power generation? Although 87% of solar power generation is accounted for by large-scale solar power plant installations, today, the use of solar rooftop panels for individual houses is accelerating in Mumbai. Perhaps it is time for your housing society to switch to Solar Power Plant Installation Services in Maharashtra.
Here at Solgen Greentech LLP, we believe in bringing a brighter future for our Mumbaikers. Our Solar Solutions Company is determined to usher in the next generation of cost-effective energy generation. Here are the five reasons why your housing complex should switch to solar power plants:
1. Opting for an IGBC certificate:
Green buildings majorly focus on the practical usage of energy resources and water, efficient wastemanagement and optimum material utilization during construction in order to create sustainable homes. Establishing Solar Epc Services for Commercial Complexes is one step closer to having a Green building. Thus, it is easier for your society complex to obtain an Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Certificate. Having an IGBC certificate comes with added incentives from the government. For instance, the Urban Development Department of the Maharashtra Government offers an additional 3%, 5% and 7% Floor Area Ratio (FAR) free of charge for Green Buildings rated as Silver, Gold and Platinum, respectively.

2. Better return on investment:
Surprisingly, the return on investment in solar power plants is at least thrice that of an average Fixed
Deposit account. With a payback period of 3-4 years, it is one of the best and safest forms of
investment, more so in our post-pandemic world where everything continues to remain uncertain.
Additionally, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy pays the installer 30% of the initial
installation cost as a subsidy.
3. Can be installed everywhere:
You do not need to vacate your premises, buy extra land or even deconstruct any part of your housing society to install solar panels. Our Solar EPC Service for Residential Premises ensures that rooftop solar panels can be installed on any roof. There are absolutely zero requirements for any additional area or construction work.
4. A cheaper alternative:
One Unit (kWh) generated from a Solar Power Plant means savings of Rs. 12 per Unit and equivalent to 1 kg of Carbon Dioxide Saved. Additionally, with large-scale industrial advancement and the introduction of better designs, the cost of building a solar plant is less than half of what it used to be.
Today, cooking with solar energy is cheaper, considering the ever-increasing prices of LPG cylinders.
Therefore, it is a much cheaper alternative to gas or standard electricity.

5.Protection of your roof:
When you install solar panels on your roof or terrace, the surface does not get direct sun rays, which
means reduced damage to the rooftop over a prolonged period. Further, in the absence of direct sun rays, the temperature of your house will decrease by 2-3 degrees, particularly in summer.

Trust our Solar EPC Service for Residential Premises for a brighter, more cost-efficient future. Save your money and save the planet at the same time!